
Rick Majerus Naked: Is This Wrong?

"One year he had this lower-back injury, and he would have the trainer massage it with the ultrasound. But instead of just lowering his pants a little bit, Majerus would pull his pants down to his ankles and sit in a chair and coach us. Sometimes he’d be like, ‘Guys, bring it in, take a knee.’ We’d come in, and we’re just like, No way this is happening.”

I had to debate quite a while before posting this one. A reader e-mailed the link to me, so my first question is whether or not it is valid? Looks to be as the excerpts come from Sports Illustrated. Judge for yourself, but as you read the full story, a lyric from a Roger Water's song might come to mind:

"I'm having a nightmare, and it's not over yet."

Larry Brown Sports Article Link (Warning the photo there will ruin your day)

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